Remember what I said before about Harrison Ford tarnishing his legacy with crap? Same thing, Kevin Costner. I'm talking about Waterworld. The Postman. Whatever else there is that I'm forgetting. What about that one where Paul Newman plays his dad? The one based on the Nicholas Sparks book? Here's a spoiler, every Nicholas Sparks story has the same ending: SOMEONE DIES. That may not be entirely accurate, but I think it is and that should be good enough for the Internet, right?
Anyway, let's examine the fact that Kevin Costner had two excellent films come out this year. This one and The Untouchables, the film for which Sean Connery won as Oscar. I just felt like mentioning that.
Anyway, this film features Kevin Costner as a Naval officer who falls for the Secretary of Defense's mistress played by Sean Young. Gene Hackman plays the Secretary and there's a part with Iman and Fred Thompson. What more do you people want from this movie?
I love a good thriller which I suspect you might learn as this list goes on and even more than that, this is a great Cold War thriller and nothing can really beat that. Okay, there is that one scene in the limo that I'm not entirely comfortable with. I mean, how awkward is that for the driver? Anyway, this is about what happens when you work at the Pentagon, have an affair with your boss' mistress and she dies. Long story short: it's BAD.
Okay, so, now there's a spoiler that I would actually feel bad about spoiling, which is so rare for me, so if you haven't seen No Way Out, please stop reading and go do that. They throw so many red herrings at you in this movie that this becomes the best twist ending ever. So, I would go on and on about that, but I can't so...
Talking points: great Cold War thrillers, why all movies should feature Iman and Fred Thompson, limo etiquette? I'm really tired, people.
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