And now for a fairy tale of a decidedly different sort. Once upon a time, there was a series called Sex and the City about a writer named Carrie played by Sarah Jessica Parker. She was clearly in love with Detective Logan from Law & Order played by Chris Noth, who for some reason went by the pseudonym Big. Instead of resolving this like adults, they screwed around with this for years, causing me a lot of angst while I was mesmerized by the fashion and Charlotte becoming Jewish and what was Samantha's deal? My suffering ended after six seasons and it resolved like this. Oh, Samantha is in the clip so there will be nudity/sex, I can't help that, it's the name of the show.
Can I just mention I screamed, "Who the hell is JOHN?!" at the TV when that cell phone thing happened. I nearly had a heart attack/And all was well in the world. And then they made a movie. And I was excited. And of course, I went to see it because I'm a sucker like that even though I knew in my heart if there was a movie, it meant Carrie would have found a way to screw this up again.
And she did. Sure, go for the giant wedding, scare the guy you spent six seasons trying to win over and don't listen to him when he tries to explain! And why does she hire Jennifer Hudson as her personal assistant? Jennifer Hudson just pisses me off, okay? She thinks she'd be famous without American Idol and she made OPRAH wait. Who makes OPRAH wait? Presidents show up on time for OPRAH. Anyway, it's a bad job interview, too, "I want to fall in love." Any other job they would not give you a callback. Other than that, I love this movie. It is a perfect movie for following up a TV show because let's face it those are usually lame. And I do love the ending, I just about cried, I'm getting verklempt now, even the song is good, but otherwise you piss me off Jennifer Hudson. All films should have an ending scene as perfect as the one in the diner. They should also have scenes where people try on really pretty clothes if at all possible.
And now let me briefly turn my attention to the pile of crap that was Sex and the City 2. I'll grant you there were funny parts. I don't know why we needed that wedding at the beginning, not that I ever understood why the whole Stanford and Anthony relationship anyway. The scene where Samantha wears the same dress as Miley Cyrus was funny. I like the scene where Miranda and Charlotte drink, but we didn't need to go to Dubai for that. We could have done that in New York and you know what else? We didn't need to see Aidan. Why did she kiss Aidan? What? Life would have been so much better with Aidan? I could have gone the rest of my life never seeing Aidan again, okay?
Team Aidan, Team Big? Theories on why Detective Logan never mentions his police work in front of Carrie? Why does he never use his chauffeured car to do police work? Does Jennifer Hudson piss you off? That's not just me, right? Why, God, why did they make the sequel? Let me know in the comments section.
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